Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

     The weekend started off with wanting to have a barbecue. So your daddy and I decided that a maybe you could go see grandma and grandpa for the weekend. That way they can spend some time with Samantha, and mommy and daddy could have some friends over for a barbecue, since barbecues and little hands do not go together so well. Its been a long time since I've barbecued and Memorial Day weekend a good weekend for it. So Friday, I took you out to you Grandma and Grandpa's house. You were to spend Friday night and all day Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa. Then Sunday morning I was to come out to spend the day with you and Grandma and Grandpa and go around to the cemeteries for Memorial Day.
     So that's what we did. Friday evening you went played with the puppies while they ran around. Saturday you and Pa-paw went out to see the calves and cows. You played inside and outside with Grandma, and I think you and Grandma wore each other out because the word is you both were asleep by 8 o'clock Saturday night which means Sunday morning, you were awake by 6:30 in the morning.
     Now Saturday your mommy and daddy had friends over including your uncle Charlie and aunt Theresa. We had a barbecue, threw washers and talked and talked. Mommy and daddy were both in bed by midnight or so, not too late.
     So then the best part of the weekend came; I got to see you again. Oh how I missed you. Oh how daddy missed you.  I came in the front door of Grandma and Grandpa's house, and you were sitting in your little rocking chair watching TV facing the other direction. And when you turned around and saw your mommy, a big smile came across your face. You came over to me and put your arms in the air, and I picked you up and we hugged each other. Then my favorite part, was when you leaned back in my arms to look at my face and took both your hands and put them on my cheeks with a big smile on your face. It was as if you were saying, there's my mommy, there's my mommy's face. I missed my mommy's face.
     Now the trip to the cemeteries is an annual event. I don't go every year with mom and dad but I have gone with them several times. I have been working on trying to put together our family tree on both sides: my mom, your grandma and my dad, your Pa-paw. This year we took a camera, a pad of paper and a pen to take in the information from the stones and the locations so we can try to piece together more of the birthdays and date of death and all those things to fill in the blanks.
By the time today was done it was about 4 o'clock when we made it back to Grandma and Grandpa's house. You were pretty tired. You and slept about an hour in the car. But, after that early morning rise, an hour just wasn't enough.  We said our goodbyes and headed home. Your daddy was going to be home from work for his lunch break at 7:20. So, we had to be sure and be home for that. We went home and ate our supper. Crawled up on the big bed and watched Dumbo. Just about the time the movie was over, daddy came through the door. You and Daddy spent a little time together, but not nearly enough. When daddy went back to work, you had your bath and we got ready for bed. It did not take you too long to get settled in and fall asleep on mommy and daddy's bed.
     It was a great weekend for all of us, Grandma and Grandpa got to spend time with you, mommy and daddy got to spend time with each other then have some friends over. Then the wonderful reunion of all of us because we missed you so much. I was so happy to see that little face. My little Samantha.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Warm Days of Spring

Playing in the creek behind the house.  Love those boots!!

My goodness, do we know how to have a good time when it's warm!  This past week has been beautiful for the first week of May.  Temps in the mid-80's.  I have so much fun playing with you.  We spent most of the mornings in the backyard, just swinging, sliding and blowing bubbles.  You recently learned how to blow your own bubbles when Gramma and Papa were here last weekend.  I bought you some bubble blowing supplies like a big one that makes bubbles by waving it in the breeze and one that makes really big bubbles for you to catch.  In the afternoons, we'd go for a walk sometimes with a wagon, sometimes without, and we just talk about what we see.  You are great at identifying objects in your surroundings.  

Here's my monkey swinging from a bar.  You do swing in your own swing seat too!!

One day was really great.  We took Brandon to the park on Wednesday.  Yes, we had to take him because his bicycle was broken.  Normally he just rides up there to meet his friends.  Since we were headed to the park, I thought we could stay and play.  
After playing in the playground for a while, you wanted to see what Brandon was doing.  So we walked out of the playground, across the road, through the grass towards the lake, around the lake, and over the bridge.  I would guess 500 yards or so that you walked.

Once we got to Brandon, the two of you played in another part of the park as seen here.  Now let me tell you something about your brother.  He was talking to a girl while his friends were goofing off nearby.  But when he saw you, he came straight for you.  Your big brother left behind his friends to take you down the slide and play for a while.  That's a good big brother.  

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring Day (Potty Time)

Today I wanted to really get some good quality Samantha & Mommy time. We went to the library this morning. Not for story hour, but just to get out and be together. It's officially Spring, but since we live in Missouri, we still have cold days. It was almost 40 outside. Great day for the library. We played, browsed through the books and read a few. You caught everyone's eye like you normally do. So good, so smart, sooo darn cute!!  We read books about friends, Mommy's love and ducks. There were also some books that I wanted to pick up from the library too. I was interested in the subject of potty time.

Back home we went for some lunch and a nap. 2 hours for you, 15 minutes on the couch for me.

The day of fun continued outside in the warmer afternoon. You and I took turns pulling the little red wagon up and down the street. Then we put that little red wagon to good purpose. A little Spring cleaning was in order for the yard, so Mommy made up a song that goes, "You pick up sticks and put them in the wagon."  The yard looked so much better after the clean up, and we deserved a little snack and rest. It was time to sit down and read some books for a while. We read our potty booked and a few others. You thought those potty books were pretty interesting.

Tonight was bath night which is always fun times playing in the bubbles. As I was drying you off, you asked, "Pee-pee, potty?".   So I let you down and we headed for the bathroom. Now I should add here that you have sat on this potty many times with your clothes on and with them off. So I'm just cleaning up the bath toys while you sit on the potty. I brought you a book to look at to help you relax, and as I'm leaving to get the book, I hear something. I went on cleaning up until you stood up. I asked if you were done trying and we both look into the potty. You know what, THERE'S PEE-PEE IN THE POTTY!!!!!

Oh, we hugged and hugged. I am so proud of you!!  You are so proud of you!!  We told Brandon and he said good job, and will have to wait to tell Daddy because he's working. You went pee-pee in your potty. I got some tp and cleaned you, then have you some to be a big girl. I poured the pee-pee in the toilet and we both put our tp in there to watch it go down as we flushed. What a wonderfully fulfilling and exciting day!!  I love you so much, Samantha.  This is why I stay home with you. You are the most important part of my life.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Almost Two & the Snow Day

Amazing things are happening. Do you know you've grown an inch in 2 months?  I love your little sentences like, "more juice please; I see you, Mommy; I found it; I want it". But, undoubtedly, the one I love the most is, "I love you."
You are trying things that I believe to be past your age level. You can almost sing the whole alphabet song, but greater than that; you can recognize letters. You can say your numbers to twelve, but greater than that; you can count objects to 5 or 6. 
A few days ago, we had a big winter storm come through that dropped about a foot if snow. You have never seen it snow like that!  I think we sat together and watched it come down for 20 it 30 minutes. It was snowing for about 7 or so hours. You looked outside after your nap and saw that snow on the ground had doubled. When Daddy got home, we once again parked in front of a window to watch the snow shoveling. Your Daddy and brother made quick work of the clean up. I must say that Brandon did a bit more goofing off than work.

 So today, now Sunday, we ventured out into the wild white wonder.  You may have had a little trouble walking in snow that was almost as deep as you legs, but you did enjoy just sitting on the snow to take in the view.  We took a few memorable photos before you said you were, "Done."  They way you said done was just like you do when you are finished eating.  Your arms make the fly out to the side just like a baseball umpire says, "SAFE."  Only you say, "DONE!"

Some of the things I love about you:

--I love waking up next to your sweet face

--I love watching you explore and learn
--I love playing in your room with you and your "people".  (that is Little People)
--I love hearing you talk!
--One of my very favorite moments of every day is just before bed.  You sit on my lap while I read a book to you.  I can hug you and kiss your little head while you just relax against me.  Your hair smells so sweet.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Night - night

I laid you down in bed tonight as you were drinking your juice. I was turning of the lights and turning on your music, when you said  "juice" and handed me your cup. I asked you for a kiss and you very willingly sat up and gave me one, which does not always happen. Most nights you resist bedtime at least a little. But the very sweetest moment is when you turned over to hug your baby and told me "night - night" just before l left your room. My almost two year old. My big girl told me goodnight.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lazy Sunday

     Our only destination today was imagination land. The whole family joined the fun.  Brandon built a fort for you.  The two of you crawled in and out and hid from each other. Daddy took you flying through the air with bouncy landings on the couch. He flipped you upside down and all around. You and I spent a good part of the afternoon playing with your mega blocks and your little people playhouse.

     After changing out the laundry, I went back into your room to check on you. You were playing with your blocks, and you looked up at me and said, "Play?". Then you patted the floor next to you and said, "Sit."  Well how could I turn down an offer like that?  I'm not sure how long you and I were in there playing, but we sure had fun. The Little People had a party at their house, took a bus trip and a plane ride. Then we built countless structures with Mega Blocks. Singing, dancing, reading books, we explored, imagined and has a great time on or lazy Sunday.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hopes and Dreams

Samantha Jean,
      Your Grandma Vogt came by today to drop off some farm raised beef for us. She couldn't stay long, but it was still a nice visit. Well, it is January 2013 and we are but a couple months from your 2nd birthday.  You have uttered your first full sentence.  "I want Baby and Blue Bear."  You are saying so many words, I can't keep up with them all.  I can still just sit and watch in amazement at you.  But, you know, I think I'll always just enjoy watching you be you for as long as you let me, no matter how old you get.  You'll be my baby when you are 37 (like me).  Which would make me...73...oh my.  I hope I'm still around to see you.  All my hopes and dreams wrapped up in one little girl, but don't worry, my hope is for you to be happy and my dream is for your dreams to come true.  Some days it will happen.  Some days it will not.  That is life.  Happiness belongs to the people who appreciate it.  Happiness comes in small everyday packages delivered to you.  It doesn't come in some big shiny box.  Happiness, true happiness comes when you choose to see the good in life.

     Now dreams.....I haven't mastered dreams yet.  My dreams for my life have changed over time.  I don't know if that is reality setting in, or my needs changing.  A combination of the two is likely.  When I was in Junior High, I wanted to be an astronaut.  It wasn't until college, when I couldn't pass calculus, when I realized that an astronaut was a bit out of reach.  It was my senior year in college that I realized I wanted to be a mommy, but the time wasn't right.  I was 23 and headed for the Army.  My enlistment was to pay off my student loans.  The military is a great way to go to college for free, but I don't recommend it during war time.  I went through college and the Army without a clear destination other than to make it through.  At the end of my 3 years of enlistment, I came home to no direction or drive whatsoever.  About a year after my return home, I had a dream to be a physical therapist.  Alas, 11 years later, that dream has come and gone. BUT, there is one dream I had when I was 23 years old that came true at the age of 36.  It is a sacred dream shared by many people in our family.  It is a dream that took time and love.  It was my dream to have you.  So I can say without a doubt that I am happy and my dream has come true.  Be true to yourself and follow your heart. If your heart fails to guide you, you can ALWAYS trust your gut.

     So, Samantha, be what you want to be...
a musician
a pilot 
a cyclist

an analyst

a farmer (like Pa-pa)

an at home mom / homemaker 
or a doctor
Follow your dreams...