Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring Day (Potty Time)

Today I wanted to really get some good quality Samantha & Mommy time. We went to the library this morning. Not for story hour, but just to get out and be together. It's officially Spring, but since we live in Missouri, we still have cold days. It was almost 40 outside. Great day for the library. We played, browsed through the books and read a few. You caught everyone's eye like you normally do. So good, so smart, sooo darn cute!!  We read books about friends, Mommy's love and ducks. There were also some books that I wanted to pick up from the library too. I was interested in the subject of potty time.

Back home we went for some lunch and a nap. 2 hours for you, 15 minutes on the couch for me.

The day of fun continued outside in the warmer afternoon. You and I took turns pulling the little red wagon up and down the street. Then we put that little red wagon to good purpose. A little Spring cleaning was in order for the yard, so Mommy made up a song that goes, "You pick up sticks and put them in the wagon."  The yard looked so much better after the clean up, and we deserved a little snack and rest. It was time to sit down and read some books for a while. We read our potty booked and a few others. You thought those potty books were pretty interesting.

Tonight was bath night which is always fun times playing in the bubbles. As I was drying you off, you asked, "Pee-pee, potty?".   So I let you down and we headed for the bathroom. Now I should add here that you have sat on this potty many times with your clothes on and with them off. So I'm just cleaning up the bath toys while you sit on the potty. I brought you a book to look at to help you relax, and as I'm leaving to get the book, I hear something. I went on cleaning up until you stood up. I asked if you were done trying and we both look into the potty. You know what, THERE'S PEE-PEE IN THE POTTY!!!!!

Oh, we hugged and hugged. I am so proud of you!!  You are so proud of you!!  We told Brandon and he said good job, and will have to wait to tell Daddy because he's working. You went pee-pee in your potty. I got some tp and cleaned you, then have you some to be a big girl. I poured the pee-pee in the toilet and we both put our tp in there to watch it go down as we flushed. What a wonderfully fulfilling and exciting day!!  I love you so much, Samantha.  This is why I stay home with you. You are the most important part of my life.