Monday, June 25, 2012

15 Month Checkup

Today was your 15 month check up. 
You received the last shots that you will get until you are ready for kindergarden!!!  Well, you'll probably get a flu shot :-(

You received a clean bill of health and a note that you will be tall and thin, like your momma.  I used to be thin anyway; time is sneaking up on me.

Weight:  19 lbs and 7 oz, (5-10%)  That's where the thin comes in to play
Height:  31 inches (75%)  You have really caught up in that department
Head size:  46 cm (50-75%)  You have your Daddy's head.  I can't help you there!

I love looking back at pictures of you when you were so tiny.  Here you are in your little purple chair.  I put you in this chair way before you were big enough to be in it.

3 weeks old     -------->     15 months old

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Samantha Plays Basketball

Just a little over a month ago, Samantha started walking.  It is so amazing to me that now she can run, kick and even traverse obstacles with such confidence.  How long will it be before Mommy's hand is not needed on uneven ground?  Makes me sad to think about that.

Yesterday, I got out the video camera to capture these precious moments.  She loves playing with her brother's basketball.  She looks for it whenever we are outside.  She loves to pick it up and throw it to you.  She is fascinated by bouncing the ball, and I think she really wants to know how to do it herself.

Another topic of amazement for me....her understanding of words and objects.  I can really tell that also in the past month, her level of understanding has increased tremendously. 
"Samantha, would you please put your highchair away?"
She pushes it against the wall where it is kept.
"Put the ball in the box"
Throw, kick, or roll the ball
I may be biased, but she is so smart!!

So, today we had a very relaxing day.  No appointments, nothing pressing to do.  We spent some time outside playing with sticks while I drained your little pool.  You and I chased each other in the living room and rolled around on the floor.  I hid behind the chair to sneak up on you, but you found me, so I crawled across the floor chasing you while you squealed with delight.  You love to attack Daddy and I when we are laying down.  I was on the floor and you were sitting next to my head.  You leaned over and put a very wet mouth over my nose.  Then you climbed on my stomach to attack from the top.  I rolled you over to get your belly.  Then we played the belly game.  I blew on your belly, then you point at mine.  'elly, you say.  Life is so wonderful with here, you threw my keys in the trash can we are pretty sure, been about a week now, and still no keys, i gave them to you to play with and boom, gone.


Samantha, it's requested bananas.  I had just gotten you dressed after your bath.  We went into the kitchen to get a little snack before bed, and Daddy had put pears on your tray.  When you saw the tray, you said 'nana'.  Now I don't know if you thought they were bananas or if you were asking for banana's.  Either way, it was great!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Story Hour

It's Monday and that means story time at the library.  We went to story hour today with a sleepy baby.  Samantha was a little more adventurous and rambunctious today.  She was dancing around the center of the room for all the babies and mommas.  Shaking her shaker.  "Helping" the teacher.  It was cute, as she always is, but we did not stick around for playtime afterward.  She may not look sleepy, but trust me, momma knows her baby.  This little performing cutie needed to go back to bed.

This morning she was eating bananas and rice chex for breakfast.  I cut up the banana into little disks and when I put them on her tray, she said "nana". 

She has quite the growing vocabulary. 

My wonderful little girl.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Motorcycle Shopping

Paul had the whole weekend off.  Yesterday we went motorcycle shopping.  Something I did not care to do or care if we buy, but we went.  I was happy just to spend some time with my husband.  We drove to Tipton to Ghetto Superstar Cycle Center to find the man working there to be the owner, proprieter, genuinely uncaring and unhelpful.  It was a wasted trip other than the time Paul, Samantha and I spent in the car on the pretty drive on Hwy 50.

Then we went to Jefferson City to Larry's Motorsports.  Now these guys actually try to sell things.  The staff was helpful even though they were all very busy with the many customers they had in the store.  Paul decided on one, but by that time, Samantha was ready to take her afternoon nap.  We left, but finished it all up over the phone with the dealership and the bank.  I'll post pics soon of the bike.  It's nice enough.  It has a decent "wife" seat and backrest.  We'll see if I ever get on it.

In the meantime, Samantha was shopping for a dirtbike.  She was sitting on this PW 50 with no assistance and turning the handlebars like a pro.  Baby girl,  bikes are dangerous.

Today I'd like to shop for windows for the house.  Today is also Father's Day, he's watching a moving and has to go pick up his kids at 5pm.  That's 4 hours from now.  But since I got a big fat nothing for Mother's Day and he got a bike yesterday.  We are going to do what I want today.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The start of a great weekend.

It's a great day.  Paul, the hubby, starts at his new position on Monday.  Nice raise.  His kids go to visit their mom this weekend, so he and I might have an actual conversation or two.  That will be nice. 

The kids take off around 4pm, but around 6pm we get a phone call saying that Amber's car broke down...bad.  It's the motor.  So much for Friday evening.  Paul drives to meet her with a trailer to haul the broken down car back home.  The kids hitch a ride with their mom, so at least he and I still have Saturday together.  We'll work out how to get them home later. 

Samantha and I go play in her little pool while he's gone.  I've got just enough water in there for her to splash around.  She has fun splashing, squealing and walking around the edge.  We come in around 8 to get cleaned up and eat something before it's her beddy bye time.  Once she's in her pj's, we lay on the big bed together to watch a little Baby TV and drink some bedtime milk.  She missed her afternoon nap today, so I know that she is tired.  We went roaming around town and to the Goodwill store to get some new books and just get out of the house.

She's avoiding sleep.  She starts to play and move around.  Suddenly, I'm under attack.  This big wet mouth is coming after my nose with a yell and a laugh.  She does a body slam on top of me and nearly bites my nose off.  Ok, it was adorable and I was laughing so much I could hardly breathe.  I was conquered.  I had to surrender and get her off just so I could regain my composure.  We are supposed to be getting ready for bed. 

She settles in about 9, and her Daddy gets back around 9:15.  Of course.  She wouldn't have lasted much longer  She was fighting that sleepiness for the past hour. 

Samantha, I love you so much.  Those moments are so precious to me.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

15 Months Old Today

Today, Samantha is 15 months old. Amber and I took her to a walking path to take pictures of her doing her latest and greatest thing. Walking with confidence. She was timid for a few minutes, but it didn't take her long to start exploring the world around her. I'd like to share some pictures of the day.

This one, however is my favorite.  It epitomizes her attitude out there. 
"Follow me, I'll show you the way!"  Such a big little girl. 

Amber is showing her the wonders of tree bark and Samantha is more interested in tree tops.

Holding Mommy's hand.  You really didn't have the need to, but Mommy wanted some pictures of you and I holding hands.  You didn't seem to mind.  You are becomming quite the Mommy's girl, and that's ok, because I love to be near you.  We have so much fun together.