Saturday, June 23, 2012

Samantha Plays Basketball

Just a little over a month ago, Samantha started walking.  It is so amazing to me that now she can run, kick and even traverse obstacles with such confidence.  How long will it be before Mommy's hand is not needed on uneven ground?  Makes me sad to think about that.

Yesterday, I got out the video camera to capture these precious moments.  She loves playing with her brother's basketball.  She looks for it whenever we are outside.  She loves to pick it up and throw it to you.  She is fascinated by bouncing the ball, and I think she really wants to know how to do it herself.

Another topic of amazement for me....her understanding of words and objects.  I can really tell that also in the past month, her level of understanding has increased tremendously. 
"Samantha, would you please put your highchair away?"
She pushes it against the wall where it is kept.
"Put the ball in the box"
Throw, kick, or roll the ball
I may be biased, but she is so smart!!

So, today we had a very relaxing day.  No appointments, nothing pressing to do.  We spent some time outside playing with sticks while I drained your little pool.  You and I chased each other in the living room and rolled around on the floor.  I hid behind the chair to sneak up on you, but you found me, so I crawled across the floor chasing you while you squealed with delight.  You love to attack Daddy and I when we are laying down.  I was on the floor and you were sitting next to my head.  You leaned over and put a very wet mouth over my nose.  Then you climbed on my stomach to attack from the top.  I rolled you over to get your belly.  Then we played the belly game.  I blew on your belly, then you point at mine.  'elly, you say.  Life is so wonderful with here, you threw my keys in the trash can we are pretty sure, been about a week now, and still no keys, i gave them to you to play with and boom, gone.

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